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Puerto de Baltimore


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Tipo: Puertos




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Continente: Europa

País: Estados Unidos

Localización: Baltimore

Año: 1706

Estado: Terminado

Descripción:Investment at Baltimore

11 Sep 2013

The US Port of Baltimore has received US$10m in federal funding to increase cargo capacity and infrastructure in a bid to improve one of Maryland state’s “greatest economic engines”.

Funding came from the Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) grant aims to provide rail access to the Fairfield Marine Terminal.

The project will use dredged material from the port’s main access channel to fill an obsolete basin and create a 7.6 acre cargo staging area near the vessel berth.

Maryland Port Administration says that while the channel is deep enough to accommodate supersized container vessels, there are portions that need to be widened to allow for easier access for larger ships. Hence, the dredging serves a useful dual purpose.

Joseph Biden, vice president, Maryland Port Administration, said that Baltimore is looking at cashing in on its burgeoning markets for ro-ro equipment including farm and construction machinery and vehicles - the primary commodities of the terminal. The port currently ranks in first position in the country for these commodities.

The investment at Baltimore will create over 5,700 new jobs and will prepare the port to take on the new post-Panamax vessels coming into service over the next few years.

Port Operations Halted as Baltimore Strike Continues

By Eric Haun

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Multiple sources reported that a longshoremen labor strike at the Port of Baltimore Wednesday morning has forced the closure of the port’s major terminals. All cargos at the port's public marine terminals continue to be affected and no ships are operating.

The strike was brought into effect by a vote held Tuesday night where the International Longshoremen's Association Local 333 rejected a local contract with the Steamship Trade Association of Baltimore, which represent the port's employers of longshoremen, The Baltimore Sun reported. The port’s three other unions have joined the strike alongside Local 333. Among the issues up for negotiations are port safety and wages.

The union dispute and subsequent strike and port closure are said to pose major impacts on the surrounding area and the state of Maryland. The Port of Baltimore is among the top 10 most active ports in the United States, and some 15,000 workers are employed by port operations, while thousands more have jobs that are directly affected its business.

Negotiations are between the Steamship Trade Association (STA) of Baltimore and the International Longshoremen’s Association local. The STA is working towards arbitration procedures to request that work may resume.

The Port of Baltimore handles roughly 30 million tons of cargo annually. An extended stoppage at the port could force shipping lines to conduct business elsewhere, diverting much of that cargo to other ports nearby.

The Maryland Port Administration said it remains hopeful that the involved parties will reach a resolution quickly.

Sources: Staff, The Baltimore Sun, CBS

Strategically located in the Mid-Atlantic region of the U.S. east coast, Baltimore sits in the center of the enormous Washington/Baltimore Common Market. This inland location makes it the closest Atlantic port to major Midwestern population and manufacturing centers and a day's reach to 1/3 of U.S. households. The port provides immediate access to the 6.8 million people in the thriving Washington/Baltimore region, the nation's fourth-largest and one of the wealthiest consumer markets in the U.S. The region is also among the country's wealthiest. Maryland has the highest household income in the nation.

Overnight Market

Thanks to Maryland's Port of Baltimore's outstanding highway access, trucks can reach 35% of America's manufacturing base overnight -- and 32% of its population.

Steel manufacturers in Pittsburgh... Furniture makers in North Carolina... Consumers in Boston. They can ALL be served in less than 24 hours from Maryland's Port of Baltimore.

El puerto de Baltimore bate récord de contenedores

Publicado por Mayka Jimenez

10 abril, 2014

Durante 2013, el puerto de Baltimore batió sus récords de movimiento de contenedores de madera y automóviles. Así lo ha destacado la Administración Portuaria de Maryland.

En el pasado año, la cantidad total de carga movida en las terminales del puerto de Baltimore llegó hasta las 9,6 toneladas, igualando la cifra conseguida durante 2012. A ello hay que sumar que, durante 2013, 30,3 millones de toneladas de carga internacional pasaron por las instalaciones del puerto; mercancía valorada en aproximadamente 52,6 billones de dólares.

Durante 2013, los terminales públicos del puerto aumentaron las toneladas de envases movidas en contenedores un 1% respecto al 2012, mientras que los terminales privados aumentaron los contenedores con automóviles un 16% en comparación con 2012. Los contenedores con pulpa de madera aumentaron un 23% respecto al año anterior, situándose en 591.570 toneladas y superando el récord establecido en 2011, cuando la cantidad movida fue de algo más de 515.000 toneladas.

Con estos volúmenes, el puerto de Baltimore se situó a la cabeza de los puertos de Estados Unidos en lo referente a volumen de automóviles, camionetas y maquinaria de construcción movida. En materia de exportaciones, el puerto de Baltimore fue el segundo puerto de Estados Unidos por volumen de carbón. En el índice general, este puerto ocupa el noveno lugar entre los principales puertos del país atendiendo al valor de las mercancías y está en el puesto decimocuarto por tonelaje de carga.

Este puerto es uno de los dos puertos de la costa este de EEUU que es capaz de manejar grandes buques y, para ello, es necesario realizar dragados que permitan mantener en condiciones óptimas los canales de navegación. En los últimos tiempos, el puerto está realizando una labor de investigación para dar una utilización beneficiosa a los materiales procedentes del dragado.

Helen Delich Bentley Port of Baltimore is a shipping port along the shores and branches of the Patapsco River in Baltimore, Maryland. It is the second-busiest U.S. port by gross tonnage, behind the Port of New York and New Jersey. The port includes facilities for cargo, especially roll-on/roll-off ships; and passenger facilities operated by the Maryland Port Administration (MPA),[1] a unit of the Maryland Department of Transportation.

The port was renamed for Helen Delich Bentley during a 2006 celebration of the port's 300th birthday.[2]


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