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Otro: Hrodna


Tipo: Urbanismo




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Continente: Europa

País: Bielorrusia

Localización: Capital de la Región de Grodno y del Distrito de Grodno

Año: 1127

Estado: Terminado

Descripción:Grodno es la única ciudad de Belarús donde se han conservado dos castillos reales, el Antiguo y el Nuevo, y conjuntos de diferentes estilos arquitectónicos — desde el barroco hasta el constructivismo. El Castillo Antiguo fue construido a finales del siglo XIV – principios del siglo XV por orden del Duque Vytautas. El espesor de las paredes del castillo alcanza 3 m, la longitud, unos 300 m. Durante la segunda mitad del siglo XVI el Castillo Antiguo se convirtió en la residencia del rey Stefan Batoria. Durante las batallas de la Guerra del Norte (1700-1721) el castillo fue dañado gravemente, y se decidió construir un nuevo castillo. En 1925 en el Castillo Antiguo fue inaugurado el Museo Histórico y Arqueológico. En las orillas del Neman, cerca del Castillo Antiguo está la Iglesia Borisoglébskaya (Kolózhskaya) del siglo XII, uno de los santuarios más antiguos de Belarús. El centro histórico de la ciudad es la Plaza Sovétskaya, que en algunas partes conservó la planificación eurooccidental de los siglos XV — XVII. Aquí se encuentra la Catedral de San Francisco Javier, uno de los monumentos más bellos del barroco en Belarús.

En la provincia de Grodno crece el número de turistas de Rusia, Polonia y Lituania Sociedad 06.07.2016 | 12:31

Sociedad 06.07.2016 | 12:31

GRODNO, 6 jul (BelTA). – En la provincia de Grodno aumenta el número de turistas de Rusia, Polonia y Lituania. Lo comunicó a la corresponsal de BelTA el jefe del departamento de deporte y turismo del Comité Ejecutivo de la provincia de Grodno, Oleg Andréichik. La mayoría de los turistas extranjeros que visitaron diferentes regiones de la provincia de Grodno en el año en curso fueron los ciudadanos de Rusia (un 78 %), el segundo puesto pertenece a Polonia, el tercer lugar – a Lituania. Al mismo tiempo incrementa el porcentaje de los ciudadanos de los países citados en la estructura general de las exportaciones de servicios turísticos. Por ejemplo, el número de los turistas rusos creció un 10 %. En general, en 2016 la provincia de Grodno la visitaron los huéspedes de 52 países. Además de los estados vecinos a esta región belarusa viajan los ciudadanos de Italia, Alemania, Turkmenistán. La mayoría de los huéspedes de la provincia aprovecharon de los servicios de saneamiento que representan un 70 % de las exportaciones de servicios turísticos. Los servicios hoteleros constituyeron un 27,5 %, los demás servicios – un 2,5 %. En enero-abril de 2016 las exportaciones de servicios turísticos en la provincia de Grodno (sin tener en cuenta las exportaciones de las organizaciones subordinadas a los órganos republicanos de administración pública) alcanzaron 1,3 millones de dólares. Según los datos operativos en enero-mayo esta cifra fue de 1,9 millones de dólares lo que representa un 123 % respecto al período análogo del año pasado. La mayor aportación a las exportaciones de servicios turísticos pertenece a la región de Diátlovo donde se ubican dos grandes sanatorios (un 56,3 %) y a la ciudad de Grodno (un 27 %).-0-

Grodno - is a city, the regional center of the Grodno region of Belarus. Grodno city occupies a special place among the cultural and historical heritage of Belarus. In Grodno very many sights and attractions, many of which are essential for the whole country. Grodno city and its sights and attractions is not about one single website. Our site was created to describe the lesser known places, it is intended to open new readers and interesting sights of the city, which they previously did not know possible. Grodno, of course, does not apply to such places, everyone knows about it. Tourists love it and actively attend. So just list the sights of Grodno.

One of the major attractions of Grodno is the Catholic church of St. Francis Xavier, the church is called "farny", which means simply "main". The church was built in 1703, is an architectural monument. This is one of the largest and most beautiful churches in Belarus. Earlier this church was located around the whole complex of buildings of the Jesuit monastery. Many of these buildings have been preserved and are now used for different purposes.

Nearby is another former Catholic monastery - Bernardine. Now, in a complex of buildings of a former monastery located seminary. And the main church of the monastery - Catholic church of the Discovery of the Holy Cross, was built in 1618. Now the church is an important historical monuments and sites of Grodno and throughout Belarus.

Another important attraction of Grodno and very important architectural monument is the Orthodox church of Saints Boris and Gleb. It is also called "Kalozha". This church was built in 1183. This is one of the oldest stone structures Belarus extant.

Another major attraction of Grodno is the old Grodno Castle. This castle was not preserved from it remained only ruins. The first stone fortifications were erected on the site of the castle in the 12th century. After that, the castle repeatedly destroyed, rebuilt and reconstructed. Recent significant changes in his appearance were made in the 19th century. Castle and the town connects by stone arch bridge, built to replace the wooden in the second half of the 17th century.

There in the city and a new castle, which is now also an important attraction of Grodno. New Castle was built directly next to the old castle in 1742. This castle was substantially rebuilt in Soviet times. Although this structure is called the castle, special defensive functions it has never fulfilled, in general it was a palace, the royal palace. In both castles, new and old, now house museums.

Another major attraction is the Grodno Orthodox Cathedral Church. The building was erected in 1910. Now this is an important monument of architecture and culture.

Next on the list of attractions Grodno sure to mention the ancient Catholic church of the Annunciation, located in the former monastery. The building of the church was built in 1651, so this architectural monument is a very valuable monument, although at the moment the church is not fully restored.

Further, it should be noted the landmark Grodno as a fire station with a tower built in the early 20th century. This fire station is still fulfilling its historic function.

Another attraction of Grodno is the Orthodox church of Nativity, located in the former convent buildings bazilian. The building was erected in 1751, this temple is an important architectural monument.

In the former Franciscan monastery situated Catholic church of Our Lady of Angels. This temple was built in about 1700, and is an important landmark of Grodno.

There are very rare Grodno and Belarus sight - Lutheran church, which presumably was built in 1783. The building is still performing its function during construction. Lutheran church in Belarus - a rarity, but in terms of architecture, the building is almost indistinguishable from an ordinary Catholic church.

In Grodno there are such important attractions as the old house museums of outstanding people. Survived two such interesting houses: House-Museum of Maksim Bahdanovich (left) and the house-museum of Eliza Orzeszkowa (right). Both houses are wooden.

Also in Grodno there is another rare sight - the main synagogue of the city. Synagogue in Grodno was built already in the 16th century. Until recently, is in a dilapidated condition. But more recently it completely restored. Ancient synagogues in Belarus have very few, even fewer of them are in good condition, so the main synagogue of Grodno is an important architectural monument.

On the main square of the city of Grodno have another great attraction deserves special mention - the former home of the merchant, now a hotel. This building was built in the 19th century. The architecture of this building may not be very unique, but due to its central location it has become one of the visiting cards of the city of Grodno.

Speaking about the sights of Grodno not to mention the building of the Grodno Regional Drama Theatre. It is though relatively modern, but convenient location in the most prominent place on the bank of the Neman make it one of the symbols of the city.

By passing the above, in Grodno there are many temples of various denominations that were built not so long ago. They will not be given here. Mention another type of small attractions Grodno. Is a few chapels, located in the local cemetery and built in the 19th century.

Given a list of attractions Grodno far from exhausted. Generally speaking the entire city center is busy historical urban development. Among these there are many attractions and former minor palaces and gymnasiums, schools or colleges, and pre-revolutionary buildings banks and houses and estates of wealthy burghers, and water towers, and much more. Deserves special mention though small, but very beautiful city park. The whole city center of Grodno is of particular interest for tourists.


by Neman · 14/05/2016

То experience the real Belarusian hospitality, to feel the spirit of ancient cities and towns, to see the intact nature, pure rivers and lakes, woodlands and picturesque landscapes, to encounter the rich history and unique culture and traditions, come to visit Grodno Region. Local residents will be happy to welcome you and you will enjoy the real Belarusian hospitality! Every part of Grodno Region has unique nature and cultural and historical heritage. Here one cone find something to look at and something to remember. Here you will learn a lot of things about which you had no idea. Grodno Region is а land of rich history, nobility mansions, beautiful castes and rich cultural traditions. When you visit Grodno Region for the first time, you immediately feel its special spiritual atmosphere. It is a land of tolerant and hard-working people where the past meets with the present. The region has a unique geographical position at the junction of three states.

The history of Grodno Region dates back to the Paleolithic Age. However, the region became known only in the 12th century, with the rise of the towns of Grodno (1128), Novogrudok (1044), Slonim (1252), Volkovysk (1005), Lida (1323). Grodno Region has always had a special position. First King of Grand Duchy of Lithuania Mindowg was crowned in Novogrudok. Then a famous union was signed in Krevo. Grodno hosted meetings of the seim of Rzeczpospolita, and later King Stanilaw Awgust Poniatowski abandoned his throne here. Following the development of Rzeczpospolita Grodno land became part of the Russian Empire, which fostered its economic growth.

In 1921 in accordance with the Peace Treaty of Riga Grodno Region became part of Poland. Only in 1939 it was returned to the USSR to be part of Belarus. In 1941-19444 the region was occupied by fascist invaders. Local residents took an active part in the underground anti-fascist movement. On September 20, 1944 the land with a millennium history was officially named Grodno Region. Today it contains 17 districts with over a million of residents, 1500 monuments of history and culture. The development of the region is dynamic. Agricultural and industrial growth rate is characterized as sustainable. The best developed industries include machine-building, metal-working, light industry, food industry, chemical industry, pulp and paper, construction materials industry. The region also places a great emphasis on road building and engineering and transport infrastructure. Recently the region has undergone visible changes, there have been built new districts, the condition of streets and squares has improved, new parks and squares have been opened. Many monuments of history and culture have been restored. Cultural traditions have deep roots. Grodno land is the birthplace of many famous people, such as Adam Mickiewicz, Ivan Solonevich, Eliza Ozheshko, Vasil Bykov, Yefim Karski, Michał Ogiński, Ignaty Domeyko, Vincent Kalinowski, Valeri Vrublevski, etc.

Grodno Region is an architectural pearl of Belarus. Its architectural ensembles unite various epoques and styles and reflect the complex history of the land. The region contains over 1,500 monuments of culture and history. These include a number of buildings of global importance, such as the Castle of Mir, Struve Geodetic Arcs, which are part of the UNESCO World Heritage List, as well as a number of objects that will soon be put on that list. The latter include Kolozhskaya Church in Grodno (12th cent.), Synkovichi Church in Zelva District (15th cent.), a fortified church in Murovanka village, Avgustovski Channel in Grodno District (19th cent.), as well as Neolithic minss in Krasnoselsk. Palaces, castles and symbols of glorious battles in Grodno, Lida, Novogrudok, Lyubcha, churches, monasteries and cathedrals in Grodno, Slonim and Zhirovichi are well-known far beyond the borders of the region and attract a lot of tourists to Grodno land. JabbaStoun Most Belarusian castles are located in the valley of the Neman. The castles of Mir, Novogrudok, Lida, Krevo, Golshany regularly serve as venues for festivals, knight tournaments, Medieval music concerts, folk crafts exhibitions, etc. There are many old nobility mansions (e.g. on Bolteniki, Zheludok, Zhemyslavl, Zalesye, Kushlyany, Svyatsk, Radzvilki, Kraski, etc.] which are currently under reconstruction. They will soon open their doors for tourists.

A great number of tourists who are keen on history and culture come to visit Grodno Region every year. The visit the Castle of Mir, the old towns of Novogrudok and Slonim, the birthplace of Adam Mickiewicz, Frantishek Bogushevich, Hafetz Haim, Michał Kleofas Ogiński, Eliza Ozheshko. Undoubtedly the most beautiful city of the region is Grodno, which is also one of the oldest cities in Belarus (over 900 years old). The unique architecture of the city is a vital part of its cultural heritage. A mix of styles and epoques reflects the complex history of the city. Here one can find specimen of the old Russian style (the ruins of the fortress walls and towers, the Church of St Boris and Gleb), Gothic style, Renaissance, Baroque (Bernardine Cathedral and monastery, the Old Castle), Baroque (Jesuite, Brigitte and Franciscan monasteries and cathedrals), as well as many other architectural styles. Besides, Grodno is home of Belarus’ one and only royal residence with two castles that survived to the present day. Today Grodno is a modern European city and a large industrial, scientific and cultural center of Belarus with a population of over 360,000. It is a unique place of Belarus where the past meets with the present.

Grodno is a real open air museum city, which contains a museum of history and archeology, a religion museum, a folk art museum, a regional history museum, a teratological museum, the museums of Maksim Bogdanovich and Eliza Ozheshko, etc. In addition to historical attractions, Grodno Region boasts of unique nature with picturesque woodlands that occupy one third of the region’s territory and a great number of rivers and lakes that create a perfect environment for recreation. The river Neman is the third longest river of Belarus and the symbol of Grodno Region. Its total length is 937 km (including 360 km in Grodno Region). Almost all other rivers of the region flow in the Neman. There is a number of small lakes in Grodno Region, too: Beloye, Svir, Molochnoye, Svityaz. A big part of Bialoweza Forest (part of UNESCO World Heritage) is located in Grodno Region. Grodno Region arranges a lot of tourist events. These include knight tournaments in Novogrudok, music nights in the Castle of Mir, the festival of Medieval culture in Lida, «Avgustovski Channel in the Culture of Three Nations» (which gathers representatives of Belarus, Poland and Lithuania), as well as the festival of national cultures which biannually takes place in Grodno. The latter festival has become a tourist brand of Grodno and one of the most prominent events in the cultural life of the country as a whole which is full of the respect for the domestic culture, as well as the cultures of neighbor states. Just several dozen kilometers away from Grodno there is the Avgustovski Channel — a unique hydraulic structure of the XIX century, which is included in the state list of historical and cultural values. There are many attractions, outstanding cultural monuments, architecture, ecology, military history in the basin of the Avgustovski Channel. The basin area of the Avgustovski Channel is a unique place where the borders of three countries — Poland, Belarus and Lithuania — converge.

When visiting Avgustovski Channel tourists will be able to relax, enjoy communion with untouched nature, see national traditions and culture. баба-яга One can take a kayaking tour down the channel. For travelers who come to Belarus from Poland there is a seasonal water checkpoint «Lesnaya» («Rudavka»). After rowing down the Avgustovski Channel tourists enter the river Neman and pass a seasonal water checkpoint «Privalka» («Svendubre»), and then travelers enter the Republic of Lithuania. Along the Channel there are houses of gatekeepers of the shipping locks, which were constructed of red bricks nearly a century ago. Tourist services in Grodno Region are rapidly developing. There are many comfortable hotels, cozy boutique hotels, hostels, tourist information centers, cafes and bars that can satisfy all kinds of demands. The number of sporting facilities in the region is growing, too. There is a mountain skiing center, a number of water amusement parks, ice palaces, stadiums, cycling tracks which can help you strengthen your spirit and physical shape. Recreation in a quiet and picturesque place can help you completely forget about everyday routine and regain health and power. Grodno Region is one of such places. You can spend a great time at a health resort and improve your health in Grodno Region all year round. The resorts of Grodno Region offer a wide range of medical services and comfortable accommodation. Highly qualified specialists, various types of therapy, as well as natural healing factors will guarantee full restoration of your health and a perfect recreation in the intact nature.

Nature and memorable places are not the only attractions of Grodno Region. The best resource of the region is perhaps its hospitable residents who can help you organize an unforgettable vacation, see the rural Belarus with your own eyes and fall in love with it forever. People who love solitude and rural lifestyle, culture, traditions and cuisine, as well as fresh air and water, have an opportunity to spend a great time at the region’s rural cottages for rent. Grodno Region also has agricultural tourism facilities which offer a wide range of services. These include Karobchatsy, Katalinski Falvarak of Tysenhauz near Grodno, and Hippica equestrian sports center near Oshmyany. These are perfect places for a family vacation. ParkMonument Due to a growing demand the number of agricultural cottages in Grodno Region has greatly increased. Currently there are around 300 such facilities which offer different ranges of services and different variants of accommodation. The range of services offered by hosts becomes more and more diverse. They include hunting, fishing, kayaking, horse riding, observing exotic animals and learning about the local cuisine. To experience the real Belarusian hospitality, to feel the spirit of ancient cities and towns, to see the intact nature, pure rivers and lakes, woodlands and picturesque landscapes, to encounter the rich history and unique culture and traditions, come to visit Grodno Region. Local residents will be happy to welcome you and you will enjoy the real Belarusian hospitality and warmth.

Grodno (en bielorruso, Гродна, Hrodna; en ruso, Гродно; en latín: Grodna, Grodnae; en lituano, Gardinas; en polaco, Grodno; en yidis, גראדנא) es una ciudad de Bielorrusia. Está situada cerca del río Neman, cerca de las fronteras con Polonia y Lituania (a unos 15 km y 30 km, respectivamente). La población es de 327 540 habitantes (estimación de 2009).4 Es la capital de la Región de Grodno y del Distrito de Grodno. Cabe destacar que es la ciudad natal del mafioso Meyer Lansky y del mito de la gimnasia artística Olga Kórbut.


La moderna ciudad de Grodno se originó como una pequeña fortaleza y un puesto comercial fortificado mantenido por los príncipes Rúrikovich en la frontera con las tierras de la unión tribal báltica de los yotvingios. Su nombre deriva del verbo gorodit en antiguo eslavo oriental, es decir, «encerrar», «cercar».

La primera referencia a Grodno data de 1005.5 Sin embargo, el año oficial de fundación es 1127. En este año Grodno fue mencionado en la Crónica de Néstor como Goroden' y situado en un cruce de numerosas rutas comerciales, este asentamiento eslavo, posiblemente de origen a finales del siglo X, se convirtió en la capital de un principado mal atestiguado pero separado, regido por el nieto de Yaroslav I el Sabio y sus descendientes.

Junto con Navahrudak, Grodno fue considerada como la principal ciudad en el extremo oeste de la llamada Rutenia negra, una región fronteriza con la Lituania original. Fue atacada con frecuencia por varios invasores, especialmente los Caballeros Teutónicos. En las décadas de 1240-1250 la zona de Grodno, así como la mayor parte de la Rutenia negra, fue controlada por príncipes de origen lituano (Mindaugas y otros) para formar el estado Báltico —el Gran Ducado de Lituania— en estos territorios. Después de los levantamientos de Prusia una gran población de viejos prusianos se trasladó a la región. El famoso lituano Gran Duque Vitautas fue príncipe de Grodno en 1376-1392, y se quedó allí durante sus preparativos para la Batalla de Grunwald (1410). Desde 1413, Grodno había sido el centro administrativo de un powiat en el Voivodato de Trakai.Горад_ГроднаГродно

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