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Canal de Coventry



Récord: 61 km

Tipo: Canales




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Continente: Europa

País: Reino Unido

Localización: Conecta Coventry con Fradley Junction, al norte de Lichfield

Año: 1769

Estado: Terminado

Descripción:El Canal de Coventry es un estrecho canal navegable en la región central de Inglaterra.

Se inicia en Coventry y termina 38 millas (61 km) al norte en Fradley Junction, al norte de Lichfield, donde se une con el Canal de Trent y Mersey. También tiene conexiones con el canal de Oxford, el Canal de Ashby, y el Birmingham y Fazeley Canal.

Algunos mapas muestran el canal como una sección de sur a norte y conectado por un tramo del Canal de Birmingham y Fazeley, pero otros incluyendo el "Canal and River Trust" muestran la ruta como el Canal de Coventry. Esto refleja un período complicado de la propiedad y re-arrendamiento cuando la compañía del canal de Coventry estaba en dificultades financieras durante la construcción.

Recorre a través o por los municipios de Bedworth, Nuneaton, Atherstone, Polesworth y Tamworth. Es navegable para embarcaciones de hasta 21,9 m (72 pies) de longitud, m Manga 2,1 (7 pies) y 1,98 m (6 pies 6) espacio para la cabeza. Forma parte del anillo de Warwickshire.

Coventry Canal

The Coventry Canal from Coventry to the River Trent

via Hawksbury, Fazeley and Fradley Junctions

Researched and written by Jeannette Briggs

The Coventry Canal was originally built to enable the cheap transportation of coal by canal boat from the Bedworth coalfield to the north of the city, and to link Coventry to the Trent and Mersey Canal at Fradley Junction then on to the River Trent at Trent Lock. Initially the canal was constructed as far as Bedworth, under the directions of James Brindley the engineer, but the corporation that was financing the canal ran short of money and Brindley was sacked. By 1790 the canal was operating, but was in competition with the newly constructed Birmingham and Fazeley canal and the Oxford Canal, which had been extended north from Napton Junction via Rugby towards Hawkesbury Junction. However, despite competition, the Coventry Canal was very profitable because of the transport of coal, and remained so until 1947. After this it fell into disuse and disrepair until the rise of leisure boating, and it is now well used by boaters who wish to get from the Oxford and Grand Union Canals up to the River Trent.

Coventry is the city that was terribly bombed during the Second World War and lost more than 85% of its old buildings, including the magnificent Cathedral. Coventry has now become the centre of a movement for reconciliation, and a huge new cathedral was designed by Basil Spence and was opened by The Queen in 1962. It is a great example of modern architecture.

The canal begins in the Coventry Basin in the centre of the city. The wharf here has been restored and has some old warehouses, now with restaurants, craft shops and a small canal museum.

The Coventry Canal & the Ashby Canal

The Coventry Canal leaves the Trent & Mersey Canal at Fradley Junction and runs for 38 miles up 13 locks to Coventry. It is neither a long nor outstandingly attractive canal but it was, and still is, an important link between the northern and southern canal networks, cutting out the need to lock up into, and then down out of, Birmingham. Allow two days to cruise the canal.

Leaving Fradley Junction and the well known Swan Inn the canal first cuts across flat wooded land, passing an old World War Two airfield, to Tamworth and Fazeley where the Birmingham & Fazeley Canal goes off to join the Birmingham Canal System. Spoil heaps from the old coal mining industry soon rear unusual shapes on the skyline, though much of the mining and quarrying scars have been quickly covered by landscaping and wild growth.

Atherstone is a pleasant market town with some Georgian buildings. It holds a football match on Shrove Tuesday which follows 12th century rules! Tamworth has a 13th century castle built by Mercian king Offa and is well worth a visit.

Hawkesbury Junction near Coventry used to be a bustling canal centre where boat people would take a rare opportunity to socialise while waiting for their next loads of coal from the many local collieries. Sutton stop lock, named after its first lock keeper, is in the distance on the right hand side in the photo above right. The lock which has only a very small fall was built to prevent water belonging to the Coventry Canal Company being used by the adjoining Oxford Canal Company whose canal starts here. At this unusual junction the Oxford Canal now joins the Coventry Canal but it originally ran parallel with the Coventry Canal for a few more miles towards Coventry. The junction beneath the elegant cast iron bridge was cut through in 1828 when the Oxford Canal was being shortened by having some of its tortuous loops cut out. The Coventry Canal carries on through the suburbs into Coventry. Coventry was heavily bombed in WW2 but there are still many surviving medieval buildings. The famous "new" Cathedral should be visited and there are a number of interesting museums.

The Ashby Canal runs for 22 lock free miles through pleasant countryside and skirts the War of the Roses Bosworth Battlefield (1485) on which Richard III was killed.

The Coventry Canal is 38 miles (61.3 km) long with 13 locks and connects Coventry to the Trent & Mersey Canal at Fradley Junction. It connects with the Oxford Canal at Hawkesbury Junction, the Ashby Canal at Marston Junction and the Birmingham and Fazeley Canal at Fazeley. Part of its route between Fazeley and Whittington Brook was actually built by the Birmingham & Fazeley Canal and legally still has that name, leaving the Coventry Canal divided into two sections, a historic anomaly that still causes some confusion. The former connection with the Wyrley & Essington Canal at Huddlesford Junction is now reduced to a short arm but restoration of this ‘Lichfield Canal’ link through to Brownhills is making progress.

The maximum size of boat that can navigate throughout the Coventry Canal is

length: 75' 0" (22.85 metres) - Atherstone Lock 5

beam: 7' 5" (2.27 metres) - Atherstone Lock 5

height: 7' 4" (2.25 metres) - Bridge No 1 (Drapers Fields Bridge), Coventry

draught: 4' 11" (1.5 metres) - cill of Atherstone Lock 5


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Inserción: 2016-08-31 19:32:34


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