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Puerto de Guangzhou

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Tipo: Puertos




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Continente: Asia

País: China

Localización: Guangzhou


Estado: Terminado

Descripción:El Puerto de Guangzhou, considerado el mas importante de la zona sur de China. Es uno de los Puertos que ha experimentado una alto crecimiento durante los ultimos años.


Port of Guangzhou is the main seaport of Guangzhou city,[1] Guangdong province, China. The port is operated by Guangzhou Port Group Co. Ltd which is a state owned company. The company was established on February 26, 2004 from the former Guangzhou Harbor Bureau. It was approved by the Guangzhou Municipal Government. It is currently the largest comprehensive port in South China. Its international maritime trade reaches over 300 ports in more than 80 countries and districts worldwide.[2] The port also incorporates the former Huangpu Port.[3][4]

The port also serves as the important economic and transport center for the Pearl River Delta region and Guangdong province. It is also vital transport hub for industries located in neighboring provinces such as Guangxi, Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Hunan, Hubei and Jiangxi.[2]


Guangzhou was an important port during the ancient times as far back as the Qin Dynasty. It served as a trading port as the "Silk Road on the Sea".[5] The port became one of China's busiest ports during the Ming dynasty and Qing dynasty.


Guangzhou Port is situated at the intersection of the three most important rivers of Dongjiang, Xijiang and Beijiang in South China.[6] All the three rivers have the waterway, railway, expressway and air lines intersecting here, thus forming a critical transportation hub. It is the main port of focus in the Pearl River Delta Region.[2][7]

The port's harbor area extends along the Pearl River coast and water areas in the cities of Guangzhou, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Shenzhen and Zhuhai. The port being situated beyond the entrance of Pearl River opening serve as a gateway for shipping activity for other Harbor area such as Nansha Harbor Area, Xinsha Harbor Area, Huangpu Harbor Area and Inner Harbor Area, and Nansha Harbor Area near Hong Kong. [2]

Port infrastructure

Guangzhou Port comprises 4600 berths, 133 buoys and 2359 anchorages each of 1,000 tonnage class and the largest capacity is 3,000 tons.[2] The government has approved of the dredging of the port to allow 100 000 tonnes vessels to enter Nansha at high tide in July 2009.[8] The port is currently dredging to allow 100 000 tonnes vessels to enter Nansha terminal in low tide.[9]

Port activities

The Port of Guangzhou plays a very important role in the economy. The port handles a range of activities which include loading & discharging, storage, bonded warehousing, container cargo services. Many agricultural, industrial and manufactured products are shipped through the port which include oil, coal, grain, chemical fertilizer, steel, ore and automobiles.[10]

The port also provide passenger services as well as logistics services.


As the biggest comprehensive hub port in South China, Port of Guangzhou is experiencing an increase in cargo volume and ships calling in. This is due to the buoyant economic activity in Guangzhou and the surrounding hinterland.[11]

In 1999, Port of Guangzhou surpassed its annual cargo throughput of 100 million tons. It is the second port in Mainland China to ranked with such record volume. As a result, the annual cargo volume continues to grow. In 2006, the whole Guangzhou Port surpassed 300 million tons (ranking the third in China's coastal ports and the fifth among the world top ten ports) and 665 million TEUs, and Guangzhou Port reached 201 million tons and 4.774 million TEUs.[10]


Guangzhou y Ningbo se unen al top 10

Los puertos de Guangzhou y Ningbo han entrado en el top diez de puertos del 2008 en cuanto a tráfico de contenedores.

Seis puertos Chinos en el TOP 10

El puerto de Guangzhou procesó 11 millones de contenedores (TEU) el año pasado, aumentando en un 18,8% su tasa con respecto al año pasado y sobrepasando de este modo al puerto de Rotterdam y al de Kaohsiung para así pasar del puesto 12º al 7º.

Por su parte, el puerto de Ningbo pasó del 11º al 8º puesto con un rendimiento anual de 10'846 millones de TEU en el 2008.

Junto a éstos, otros puertos chinos como los de Shanghái, Hong Kong, Shenzhen y Qingdao están también en el top diez.

Sin embargo, la situación en este 2009 no es tan buena y de momento, el puerto de Guanghzou sólo ha procesado 600.000 TEU en enero, lo que está un 34% por debajo de enero del 2008. Mientras tanto, el puerto de Hong Kong ha informado de tan sólo creció su tráfico de contenedores en 2008 un 1%, lo que no sucedía desde el 2001.




Web recomendada: http://en.gzport.com/en/Default.aspx

Contador: 22245

Inserción: 2012-11-01 15:17:37


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