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Guanyin del Monasterio Tsz Shan


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Récord: 76 m

Tipo: Estatuas

Categoría: Guanyin



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Continente: Asia

País: China

Localización: Hong Kong

Año: 2012

Estado: Terminado

Descripción:TSZ SHAN MONASTERY AND THE WORLD’S TALLEST BRONZE GUAN YIN STATUE (under construction – expected public opening early 2014)

The world’s tallest bronze Guan Yin (Goddess of Mercy) statue and surrounding monastery is currently under construction at Tung Tsz, Tai Po.

The world's tallest Guan Yin statue, towering over the nearly completed Tsz Shan Monastery

The 50,000 square-foot Tsz Shan Monastery will be a non-profit making complex which will promote Buddhism to the general public as well as allow followers to reflect. The steel-framed bronze Guan Yin statue which will be 70-metres tall and will sit on a 6-metre podium, will be over double the height of the “Big Buddha” on Lantau Island, and will be the tallest bronze Guan Yin statue in the world. The HK$423 million development will include temple, lecture hall, dormitory blocks, canteen, landscaped gardens and courts and covered walkways.

At 76-metres, more than twice the height of the "Big Buddha" on Lantau Island, the statue overlooking Plover Cove is expected to become a major tourist attraction when it is completed in 2013. Scaffolding surrounds the statue, seen here in May 2012

The monastery, which is located in scenic surroundings off Ting Kok Road, between Tai Po and Tai Mei Tuk faces Plover Cover and has the Pat Sing Leng mountains as its backdrop, spelling good fortune according to fung shui masters. The monastery and Guan Yin statue are expected to become a major tourist attraction. Contractual disputes and constructional delays have put back the expected public opening date until early 2014 and the monstery will initially be open to visitors by appointment only.

The monastery will be run by Tsz Shan Monastery Limited, set up in 2009, whose chairman is The Rev Sik Kwok-kwong, who is also chairman of Hong Kong Buddhist Association, and whose board of directors include Hong Kong’s richest man, Li Ka-shing, chairman of Hong Kong multi-national conglomerate Cheung Kong (Holdings), members of his family and three managers of Cheung Kong.

By November 2012, the goddess's face had been revealed and makes an imposing sight set against the mountain backdrop

Construction of the monastery attracted over 200 cases of opposition from local residents, green groups such as The Conservancy Association and students. Objections were mostly to the size of the car park, which will be substantially larger than indicated in the original plans and will include space for 180 cars and 18 coaches as well as 6 spaces for vans and taxis;


General questions

1. Why was Tsz Shan Monastery built?

Shakyamuni Buddha was born in India 2,500 years ago. He taught the Noble Truths, which allow people to free themselves from suffering and attain happiness. The world is undergoing rapid changes. This puts great mental and physical pressure on people, subjecting them constantly to stress and doubt. Tsz Shan Monastery has but a single goal: to help the public understand the Dharma – the teachings of the Buddha. We believe that only by acquiring such knowledge accurately can one develop correct faith. And with right faith, one can practice diligently, let go of attachments and proceed down the path to happiness.

Tsz Shan Monastery will be a sanctuary for members of the public who wish to deepen their understanding of Buddhism. Having been exposed to the correct Dharma, one can reflect on it and resolve to set worthy goals in life. Through practice, one puts words into action and develops a life that's fulfilling and relaxed.

2. Does Tsz Shan Monastery belong to a particular school of Buddhism?

Tsz Shan Monastery is committed to propagating Chinese Buddhism without regard to school. We strive to serve the public through comprehensive and convenient means. We will engage in exchanges with all the schools.

3. Why is Tsz Shan Monastery located in Tai Po?

Tai Po's Tung Tsz hills are a secluded spot blessed by nature. Located off the main road, Tsz Shan Monastery is surrounded by breathtaking scenery, including the mountain range Pat Sin Leng. It commands a magnificent panorama of Tolo Harbour. With auspicious, feather-shaped clouds floating by frequently, the site is an ideal place of practice for those who want to cultivate their spiritual life.


Tsz Shan Monastery (慈山寺) is a large Buddhist temple currently under construction in Tung Tsz, Tai Po District, Hong Kong.

Which includes the construction of Tsz Shan Monastery, a large monastery and a height of 76 meters and is the second highest in the world outdoor bronze Guanyin statue. Tsz Temple is expected to be completed in 2013, led by the Venerable Kok Kwong HHCKLA open, the public will then be able to make an appointment and visit Tsz Shan Monastery.




Web recomendada: http://www.tszshan.org/home/?locale=en_US

Contador: 8890

Inserción: 2013-09-24 13:23:16


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