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Estatua de Padmasambhava en Rewalsar


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Récord: 37.50 m

Tipo: Estatuas

Categoría: Guru Rinpoche



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Continente: Asia

País: India

Localización: Rewalsar, Himachal Pradesh

Año: 2012

Estado: Terminado

Descripción:The city of Tso Pema is a very sacred site to Tibetan Buddhists, as it is a location where Padmasambhava, or as the Tibetans know him, Guru Rinpoche, spent part of his life in the 8th century. This small town, located in northern India, is sprawled out around a lake, and surrounded on all sides by beautiful hills. According to Tibetan tradition, visiting this lake at least once in one’s lifetime is a very auspicious act.

In the photo above, you can see the newly built statue of Guru Rinpoche, Padmasambhava. This statue is roughly 150 feet tall, and overlooks the lake and town of Tso Pema.

Padmasambhava, as a wandering ascetic, was said to have come to Tso Pema in the 8th century, and began teaching the King’s daughter, Mandhrava, about Buddhism and dharma. The king was enraged by this, and planned to burn Padmasambhavah alive. However, when Padmasambhavah was lit on fire, he was said to have converted the flame into a lake, and he then appeared sitting with the princess Mandhrava at the center of this lake on a lotus flower.

Guru Rinpoche graced many places across the globe for well fare of sentient beings. One of it is “Tsho Pema” Rewalsar, Himachal Pradhesh, India…

According to the history, Tsho Pema was magical water transformed by Guru Padma Sambhava when Gyab Zhazor intended to burn him alive on pyre.

Tso Pema (Wyl. mtsho pad ma) 'Lotus Lake' in Rewalsar, India, where Guru Rinpoche performed the miracle of transforming the funeral pyre into a lake, after the King of Zahor attempted to burn him and Princess Mandarava alive.

As it says in A Great Treasure of Blessings:

Returning to Zahor, Padmasambhava took the royal princess Mandarava as his consort, and they then went to the Maratika cave, where for three months they practised the sadhana of longevity. The Buddha of Limitless Life, Amitayus appeared, empowered them with longevity, and blessed them as inseparable from him. They both accomplished the second vidyadhara level, ‘vidyadhara with mastery over life’.

The king of Zahor and his ministers arrested Guru Rinpoche and Mandarava and burned him alive, but he transformed the pyre into a lake, and was found sitting, cool and fresh, on a lotus blossom in its centre. This lake is considered to be the Rewalsar Lake, ‘Tso Pema’, in the present-day Indian state of Himachal Pradesh. Overcome with remorse, and in homage, the king offered Padmasambhava his entire kingdom, beginning with his garments and his five royal robes.

Buddhism in the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh can be traced back to the spread of Buddhism in the early 8th century. Over the centuries this activity has become deeper rooted, particularly in the Lahaul, Spiti and Kinnaur valleys of Himachal Pradesh. After the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, escaped from Tibet with his followers in 1959 and took refuge in India, the focus on Tibetan Buddhism spread further and attracted immense international sympathy and support. The Dalai Lama found Dharamshala in Himachal Pradesh as an ideal place to establish his “capital in exile” at McLeod Ganj in close vicinity to Dharamshala, and is called the Little Lhasa and also as Dhasa (a combination of Dharamshala and Lhasa in Tibet). This situation has given the state a unique status in the global firmament of Buddhist traditions. It is now the cradle of Tibetan Buddhism, with its undeniable link to the past activities initiated in the 8th century (in 747 AD) by Guru Padmasambhava (who went to Tibet from Rewalsar in Himachal Pradesh in North India to spread Buddhism), who was known as the "Guru Rinpoche" and the “Second Buddha”.

The influence of Buddhism is strong throughout the Trans-Himalayan region or Western Himalayas, formed by the Indian states of Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh and bounded by the Indus River on the extreme west and the Tons-Yamuna River gorge on the east. With the influx of Tibetan refugees into India, in the last over 50 years (since 1959), popularity and practice of Tibetan Buddhism has been notable. Apart from the original practitioners of Tibetan Buddhism in ancient and medieval India, it is now seriously pursued by Tibetans re-settled at Dharamshala (the nodal centre and the 'capital in exile' of the Dalai Lama were initially re-settled) in Himachal Pradesh, Dehradun (Uttar Pradesh), Kushalnagar (Karnataka), Darjeeling (West Bengal), Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim and Ladakh.


After a lull in the spread of Buddhism in the state during the 10th century, the Tibetan King Yeshe Od of Guge took the initiative to revive it. Of the 21 scholars he had sent to revive Buddhism in the Trans Himalayan region, only two had survived, and one of them was the famous scholar-translator Rinchen Zangpo who transfused Buddhist activity in the state of Himachal Pradesh. Known by the epithet “Lohtsawa” or the “Great Translator”, Zangpo built 108 monasteries in the trans-Himalayan region to spread Buddhism, which are considered as the main stay of Vajrayana of Tibetan Buddhism (also known as Lamaism). He institutionalised Buddhism in this region. Zangpo had engaged Kashmiri artists who created wall paintings and sculptures in these legendary 108 monasteries; only a few of these have survived in Himachal Pradesh namely, the Lhalung Monastery, Nako Gompa in Spiti and Tabo Monastery in Spiti, the last named monastery is known as the Ajanta of the Himalayas. In Himachal Pradesh, apart from these ancient Buddhist monasteries set up by Zangpo, his contemporaries of other Buddhist sects built many more monasteries. This activity thus further continued in the subsequent centuries under the four main traditions of Nyingma, Kagyu, Gelug, and Sakya, categorised as per teachings into three "vehicles":Hinayana, Mahayana, and Vajrayana. These monasteries are mostly in the Spiti, Lahaul and Kinnaur valleys. Some of the well known monasteries are Gandhola Monastery (Drukpa Kargyu sect) Guru Ghantal Monastery, Kardang Monastery (Drukpa sect), Shashur Monastery, Tayul Monastery and Gemur Monastery in the Lahaul Valley, Dhankar Monastery, Kaza Monastery, Kye Monastery, Tangyud Monastery (Sakya sect), Kungri Monastery (of the Nyingma sect), Kardang Monastery (Drukpa Kagyu sect) and Kibber Monastery in the Spiti Valley, and the Bir Monasteries (Bir Tibetan monasteries of the Nyingma, Kagyu and Sakya sects) in the Kangra valley.


_______"Es superficial dar consejos que uno no sigue."

_______"Convierte cualquier sufrimiento que surja, en el camino del placer puro."

_______"El cuerpo es transitorio; es como el borde de un precipicio. El aliento es transitorio; es como la nube. La mente es transitoria; es como el relámpago. La vida es transitoria; es como el rocío sobre la hierba."

________"Si careces de la visión o de la conducta, equivocarás el camino. Por eso, desciende con la visión y asciende con la conducta. La práctica de las dos como una unidad es lo más esencial."

________"En cuanto al consejo básico: no importa cuál sea la emoción conflictiva que experimentes, contémplala directamente y se liberará por si misma desapareciendo sin dejar rastro."

________"Si estás libre de turbación y no tienes punto de referencia alguno, es signo de que tu percepción ilusoria se ha derrumbado."

________"Libre del pensamiento, sin formar conceptos, no afirmes ni niegues, sino permanece relajado en ti mismo. En ese estado, el flujo del pensamiento se corta."

________"No examines las limitaciones de otros. Examina, sin embargo, cómo transformar las tuyas. No examines los defectos de los demás, sino los propios. El mayor de todos los males es criticar a otras personas sin conocer su mente. Abandona por tanto todo pre-juicio como si fuera veneno."

________"Todas las apariencias son nuestros propios conceptos, creados en la mente, como reflejos que se ven en un espejo. Para saber si esto es o no es así, mirad en vuestra propia mente."

________"Debes encontrar la certeza por medio de la conducta, sin intimidarte por nada, como un elefante entrando en el agua."

________"Es exageración si declaras haber encontrado un maestro sin servirle."

Rewalsar (also called Tsopema) is a town and a nagar panchayat in Mandi district in the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh. The local name for Rewalsar is Trisangam.


As of 2001 India census,[1] Rewalsar had a population of 1369. Males constitute 54% of the population and females 46%. Rewalsar has an average literacy rate of 76%, higher than the national average of 59.5%: male literacy is 78%, and female literacy is 73%. In Rewalsar, 12% of the population is under 6 years of age.


Rewalsar is located at an altitude of 1360 m above sea level. It is connected to Mandi by a motorable road and is about 25 km from Mandi. Lying in the Southern Himalayan belt, winters in Rewalsar can be freezing, while summers are generally pleasant.[2]



The famous Rawalsar lake ('Tso Pema' to Tibetans) is associated with Padmasambhava (also known as Guru Rinpoche), who is recognized as the second Buddha of this age. One version of a legend has it that the king of Mandi had Padmasambhava burnt alive after rumours that the Guru had attempted to teach his daughter the Dharma, which was not accepted then. The pyre burned for a full week, with great clouds of black smoke arising from it, but after a week, a lake appeared at the spot where he was burnt and Padmasambhava manifested himself as a 16 year old boy from within a lotus in the middle of the lake. The king, repenting his actions, married his daughter with Padmasambhava. It was from Tso Pema that Padmasambhava went to Tibet to spread Vajrayana Buddhism.[7]

The Tsechu fair was held in Rawalsar in 2004 to commemorate the birthday of Padmasambhava. The fair was inaugurated by the Dalai Lama and was attended by Urgyen Trinley Dorje Karmapa along with 50,000 other Buddhist pilgrims.[8] The fair was held after a gap of 12 years.[9]

There are other versions that mention that the lake associated with Padmasambhava's birth was located in Pakistan or Afghanistan.[10] However, Rawalsar came to be known as a sacred place for Buddhists and two monasteries — the Drikung Kadyud Gompa and Tso-Pema Ogyen Heru-kai Nyingmapa Gompa are located here.[11]

There is a huge (37.5 m. or 123 ft.)The new statue of Padmasmabhava was consecrated blessed and inaugurated by H.H the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet on the 1st of April 2012.,_India

Rewalsar Lake is a mid-altitude lake located on a mountain spur in the Mandi district, 22.5 km south-west from Mandi. Its elevation is about 1,360 m above sea level.

The lake is shaped like a square with the shoreline of about 735 m. It is held as a sacred spot for Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists alike. With water, woodland and high hills, it presents a variety of natural beauty.[1]

There are three Buddhist monasteries at Rewalsar, known to Buddhists as Tso Pema. Rewalsar also has three Hindu temples dedicated to Lord Krishna, Lord Shiva and to the sage Lomas. Another holy lake, Kunt Bhyog which is about 1,750 m above sea level lies above Rewalsar.[2] It is associated with the escape of 'Pandavas' from the burning palace of wax—an episode from the epic Mahabharata.

It was from here that the great Indian teacher and `Tantric` Padmasambhava left for Tibet. Known to the Tibetans as 'Guru Rimpoche', the Precious Master, it was under Padmasambhava's influence that Mahayana Buddhism spread over Tibet. There are islands of floating reed on Rewalsar lake and the spirit of Padmasambhava is said to reside in them. It is here that the sage Lomas did penance in devotion to Lord Shiva, and the Sikh guru Gobind Singh (22 December 1666 – 7 October 1708), the tenth Guru of Sikhism, also resided here for one month

The Sisu fair held in late February/early march, and the festival of Baisakhi are important events at Rewalsar.


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