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Estatua de Mao en la Universidad de Medicina de Chongqing



Récord: 20 m

Tipo: Estatuas




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Continente: Asia

País: China

Localización: Chongqing

Año: 2008

Estado: Terminado

Descripción:Big Mao Zedong Statue Looks Like Deng Xiaoping

by Ping on Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A medical school in China erects a huge statue of Mao Zedong on campus. Some netizens complain that the statue actually looks like Deng Xiaoping instead of Mao. Other netizens argue about whether the school should spend so much money building so big a statue of modern China’s founder.

From “Embarrassing, Chongqing Medical University’s Grandpa Mao statue looks like Grandpa Deng“:

This morning, through my cell phone’s newspaper service, I read an article that Chongqing Medical University had erected a statue of Mao Zedong on its campus. At 37.4m tall with its base, they claim the statue is the biggest in China, and of course, the biggest in the world as well.

This is absolutely a big hit, people still make such huge statues of Mao Zedong now! So I called the president’s office of Chongqing Medical University. The man who answered told me that the Propaganda Department might be the right place to get details. So I called the Propaganda Department and was told by a teacher from that department that they were not able to provide any information to me. The teacher said that they were not in charge of the whole statue issue, but that the office of Chongqing Medical University was.

Isn’t that strange?

The teacher of the President Office asked me if I had seen the statue, and I said I hadn’t. He told me that even though the statue had been erected, it unfortunately does not look like Mao Zedong, but instead looks somewhat like Deng Xiaoping. So there are various views about the statue among teachers and students of Chongqing Medical University.

Grandpa Mao’s statue looks like Grandpa Deng!

[The original Chinese is 毛爷爷, “Mao yeye” which means “grandfather/grandpa Mao.” Ping says it means “lord” but I think that may be a little scary – Fauna]

Is the sculptor’s brain not in his head but on his bottom?

I did not find out who was in charge of this statue project (actually, who has the right to manage this project other than the head of the school?), or who was the master sculptor. If I ever found him, I would definitely slap him 10 times on his face driven by my bad temper.

Grandpa Mao just died 32 years ago, and he could not even remember what Mao looks like?

I looked at the news about the statue on the internet, and I got to see the pictures of the so-called biggest statue of Mao Zedong. One doesn’t know if one did not see, but one gets frightened if one got to see it. The statue does indeed look like Deng Xiaoping. The local news “The Highest Statue of the Chairman Made its Debut in the College Town, Can Be Seen from 5km Away” mentioned that this project started this July: “The sculptor workers sculpted the head and the body of the statue separately on a flat area 20m from the statue base, and joined the two parts by a crane in September. Afterwards, the whole statue was moved to the correct position, and lifted up to be put on the 16.8m tall (about as high as a five-floor building) statue base. It was only 20m from the statue to the base, but it took about 8 hours for the crane to move the whole statue horizontally to the base.

The paving and the gardening process have been carried out in the surrounding area, and a theme park will come out in near future. The statue, as a symbolic structure of Chongqing Medical University, will be seen from 5km away on a clear day: Chairman Mao looks straight, waving to people…”

With the Sichuan earthquake as a warning, the news article especially noted: “The whole statue is fixed by eight 2-chi (Chinese unit of measure, one chi equals about one-third of a meter) long concrete pillars and sixty four caliber 5cm screws. Steel holders are set in the hollow inside of the statue. “The statue would stand firmly, no matter how strong the geological disaster or storms might be.”

In the interview, they claimed that the purpose of erecting this was “to encourage and give confidence to people in their teaching and educating careers, to arouse the students’ respect and admiration for the national elites, and their patriotic passion for the country, and also the most representative symbol of China is the statue of Chairman Mao.”

But the news article said nothing about why the statue of Mao Zedong was make to look like Deng Xiaoping. Maybe there is not even one single media in Chongqing that can ever remember Grandpa Mao’s look. I will keep paying attention to this whole statue issue, and I strongly desire to pull down this “poorly resembling” statue. Other actions, such as re-sculpting it or something, we can talk about later.

To summarize, I still have some points to make:

1. The current trend – that people have been getting passionate about Mao Zedong again – and the Equalitarianism and the spirit of national self-improvement contained in Grandpa Mao’s name are the school’s main driving force in erecting this statue, which of course needs to be approved.

2. The purpose of erecting this statue can be questioned as Chongqing Medical University just wanting to make it as a “Face Project” (to make the school look good). The school stressed on the “biggest” in its denationalization, but they had never thought that they could get a lime sculptor who didn’t do a good job of making the statue look like Mao. I think it is similar to the situation that some elites quickly renege when they are in a crisis. Even though they made a statue for Grandpa Mao, I don’t think their hearts are sincere.

3. There is not even one single sculptor who can sculpt a statue that looks like Mao Zedong in the metropolis of Chongqing with a population more than 10 million? How can they still dream of talking about the significance of Mao as the “most representative symbol of China”? This is truly a collapse and desolation of contemporary art in China.

4. It is impossible that they did not spend tremendously on such a giant Mao’s statue, “one foot is about 3 square meters, and has a capacity for 6 people sitting on the top”. How about the black trade and corruption behind it? It is necessary to investigate things like that. I believe if the statue was built according to an open system monitored by people’s own eyes, at least the “resemblance” part could be guaranteed. Can’t it be proven that the construction process was not done in public, because the statue does not look like Chairman Mao?

5. Mao Zedong is the great symbol of the nation of China, and his statue can’t be made by anyone who just wants to make it. I suggest that our country needs to issue a clear law for erecting great people’s statues, and a strict inspecting system as well. The national symbol Grandpa Mao should be respected as much as it should be respected. No one should be allowed to mess it up again.

6. To build a statue to memorialize people is a heavy and expensive job, and should be ceased from now on. The real great statue of Grandpa Mao should be erected forever in the people’s hearts, in my heart. Now the economy has been suffering deflation. If Chongqing Medical University didn’t make this statue, wouldn’t it better to use the money saved (5 million RMB by rumor) to build some “Hope Primary Schools” in the area that got ravaged by the earthquake earlier this year?

The huge feet of a Mao Zedong statue at a university campus in China. Zedong


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