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Buda del Monasterio Diskit


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Récord: 32 m

Tipo: Estatuas

Categoría: Maitreya



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Continente: Asia

País: India

Localización: Diskit, Valle Nubra, Ladakh

Año: 2010

Estado: Terminado

Descripción:Diskit es la población principal del Valle de Nubra, pero no el lugar ideal para alojarse, pues el pueblo es bien feo. Hay que alojarse en Hunder. El monasterio de Diskit se erige sobre una colina, desde la que se contemplan las magníficas vistas del Valle de Nubra: detrás de las montañas del norte está China y detrás de las del oeste, Pakistán. Se encuentra en construcción una enorme estatua del Buda sentado sobre uno de los tejados del monasterio.


Another revered concept in Ladakh Buddhism is Bodhisatva, an enlightened soul capable of Nirvana but opting to stay back in the world in order to help others on the path to Buddhahood. Many monasteries also have a figure of Maitreya Buddha outside and facing the Gompa. This version of Buddha is the future Buddha who the scriptures predict will come back for the salvation of mankind, once the teachings of Buddha have been forgotten.


Diskit Monastery also known as Deskit Gompa or Diskit Gompa is the oldest and the biggest Buddhist monastery in the Nubra Valley of Ladakh. It belongs to the ‘Yellow hats’ or the Gelupa sect of Tibetan Buddhism. It was founded by Changzem Tserab Zangpo, a disciple of the great monk Tsong Khapa, founder of Gelugpa, in the 14th century. It is a subsidiary of the Thiksey monastery/gompa. Diskit monastery was given to Rimpoche of Thiksey monastery during 18th century. It is still under the management of Thiksey monastery and hence, considered a sub-gompa of Thiksey. The monastery constructed in Tibetan style and boasts of murals and frescos. The history of the Nubra Valley and the monastery can be traced from 14th century onwards. Ladakh was then ruled by King Grags-pa-‘bum-lde (1400–1440) and his brother, who unsuccessfully attempted to usurp Nubra Valley, which was under a local ruler named Nyig-ma-grags-pa. The local ruler assisted a Gelugpa order advocate to build the monastery at Diskit and deify the idol of Tsong Khapa (whose story is narrated in my blog about Thiksey Monastery). During the rule of King Blogros-chog-idan (1440–1470) who had even controlled western Tibet, Panchen Lha-btsun - a resident of Nubra Valley by birth - studied in Tibet and later became a regent to the founder of the famed Tashi Lhunpo Monastery of Tibet and returned to Nubra during the last stages of his life. His remains have been preserved in a place known as Charas. During 1500 A.D, Ladakh was ruled by Bkra-shis-r- namgyal, who fought the invader Mirza Haider from Central Asia, in Nubra and close to Leh, finally defeated the latter and thus, bringing Nubra under Ladakh King’s rule. Even then, the local chieftains still yielded power in Diskit and Hundar. There is a sizeable number of Shia Muslims Muslims in Nubra, who had started settling in Nubra after this war. Tshedbang-r- namgyal ruled Ladakh from 1530 and expanded his kingdom. At that time, Nubra people prevailed on him and preventing him from invading, what is known as Ughyur or Xinjiang region of now China, as trade with the Yarkand of Central Asia was considered crucial to Nubra. During the reign of Jams-dbang-rnam-rgyal, historical records indicate that a regular tribute payment was made by the Nubra people to the king. The King Bde-‘Idanrnam-rgyal (1620–45) successfully defeated and defended their territory from the Baltistan and the Mughals. Rgyal kings were very religious and built Mani walls throughout their kingdom. Monks were specially engaged to recite hymns of Mani-tung chur in Nubra Valley and in other surrounding areas. In mid eighteenth century, Tshe-dbang-rnam-rgyal gave away the control of Diskit monastery to the Rimpoche of Thiksey Monastery and this arrangement has been perpetuated to this day. Since then, Diskit is considered a sub-gompa of Thikse.


Diskit Monastery also known as Deskit Gompa or Diskit Gompa is the oldest and largest Buddhist monastery (gompa) in the Nubra Valley of Ladakh, northern India.[1][2]

It belongs to the Gelugpa (Yellow Hat) sect of Tibetan Buddhism. It was founded by Changzem Tserab Zangpo, a disciple of Tsong Khapa, founder of Gelugpa, in the 14th century.[3][4] It is a sub-gompa of the Thikse gompa.

Lachung Temple and Hundur Monastery are also located nearby, the latter is below the main road near a bridge.[3][4]

The monastery has statue of Maitreya Buddha in the prayer hall, a huge drum and several images of fierce guardian deities. An elevated cupola of the moanstery depicts a fresco of the Tashilhunpo Monastery of Tibet.

The Monastery administration runs a school, with support from a Non-Government Organization (NGO) known as the "Tibet Support Group", which has computer facilities and teaches scienece subjects, in English, to Tibetan children of the region.

A popular festival known as Dosmoche or the "Festival of the Scapegoat" is held in the precincts of the monastery in February during the winter season, which is largely attended by people from villages of the Nubra Valley since the other regions in Leh are inaccessible during this period due to heavy snow fall.







http://www.flickr.com/search/?w=21113043@N05&q=Diskit Monastery 12 Diskit Monastery


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